By: Alexis Graves
Besides Charlotte's Web, Little Miss Blackie has it going on in my book! Another children's book that have me thinking I may need to step my "Purr~Fect Game" up! LOL
I found reading Ms. Graves "web of literature" a serious message behind this story. Actually it was several!
Very close to her grandmother, Little Miss Blackie was not an ordinary eight legged pal. She was born with a special gift and she utilized it to the fullest. Like many who were born "different" as some may say, Little Miss Blackie was often ridiculed. Little did they know the exact thing they were ridiculing Little Miss Blackie for made her the talk of the town. In addition, most importantly she brightened up a person's day, including her sick grandmother! Clearly a page turner for the children! Definitely parents, teachers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins...he)) the entire neighborhood go and purchase this beautiful "web of literature" and allow Little Miss Blackie to web her way into your heart!! Thumbs up Ms. Graves...another I salute!
You may find this book for purchase @
Until next time...stay purr~fect!
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