Monday, December 27, 2010

MzGrammyBear Speaks On It~ Update "The Purr~Fect Tales Series"

The Purr~Fect Tales Vol. 2~ The Purr~Fect Race ( Annual Red Tie Felines Race)

Yes the time has finally come! After much anticipation, I finally received the 2nd proof for approval and I just #LoveLoveLove. Included all acknowledgements, adjusted illustrations I just can't wait for all of you to bare witness. Come 1/3/11 The Purr~Fect Tales Vol. 2~ The Purr~Fect Race ( Annual Red Tie Felines Race) will be available via .


The Purr~Fect Tales Vol. 3~ A Purr~Fect Team ( All for One, One for All)

Currently, I'm still patiently awaiting the arrival of the proof for my Tale # 3. I'm so excited for the trilogy to be released due to just I feel this one here is like a major accomplishment. Not that the others aren't, but I actually combined the best of worlds in this completion for now of my series. I say for now because I am taking a break to complete my novel, which is almost done. Once novel is complete I will definitely be back to my children with Tales 4 & 5, possibly 6. Also I'm creating a new series for the children TBA at a later date.

With all being said, do not forget about Tale # 1 "The Purr~Fect Tales~ A Reunion of a Purr~Fect Family". Remain avail via as a free download, yes FREE..((search: The PurrFect Tales, Limited Edition &/or NaTasha M Graham)). Once again, I sincerely thank you all for your continued love and support. Stay tuned for more updates to come.

Have a PURR~FECT day!


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